Jul 22Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Okay. It is time for me to weigh in here. About the Fitbit. We went for a walk the first or second morning, and somewhere along the way, it fell off. At least we were able to go to an electronics store in Cagliari, where I found a new one - and it was even on sale! ("On sale" is emotional catnip for Debby and I - blame our mother and aunts - but this wasn't an impulse purchase (unless you count my impulse to lose things, which on this trip was in ridiculously full bloom - more on that in a minute); the new Fitbit was an upgrade and (another by-product of our upbringing) a souvenir from Sardinia that was actually practical!

Moving on: Debby is fun, smart, sparkly and enthusiastic. She is also intense, hyperactive and highly protective of Dave, who was the reason for the trip - he was teaching a course and needed to be well-rested and relaxed so he could be on top of his game. I was very conscious of being a guest, but, as Debby points out, we hadn't flown together for a long time. The "never having gone to Europe" thing was less of an issue than learning in real time that Debby and Dave's travel style was not just radically different than mine, it set off every anxiety molecule in my body, kicking my "fight or flight" reflex into high gear. The shawl situation was awful - Debby had begun texting me nonstop as I was waiting to go through Security - "WHERE ARE YOU!!! YOU NEED TO BE HERE!!!" - and then, when I got there, my bag got flagged (I don't even remember why - it was something that looked like it might be something else that was lethal but wasn't - and the shawl got separated from everything else because they'd made me take it off and put it in a bin separately from everything else. I'd worked for MONTHS on that shawl - it was alpaca and very soft and was supposed to be my in-flight blanket. But I was trying to keep my stuff together while texting Debby and was overwhelmed. So, of course, some jerk took it home. Which I am sure about because when I emailed the Lost & Found in Toronto right after we got to Sardinia and then went to Pearson Lost & Found as instructed on my way home, it wasn't there. I hope the thief who stole had a moth eat it, along with all the rest of their woolen treasures. (Isn't it nice to note that I have not a single bitter feeling about this?) I am currently knitting another large alpaca shawl for an upcoming international trip. Best believe this one is making a round trip.

Okay. Back to my point: In case you haven't figured it out already, I am a fully-diagnosed AD/HD adult (and have the neuropsychological evaluation to prove it). I also know how I function best, and everything about this trip in the early stages - the being rushed, the failure of the suitcase I'd bought on Kickstarter that was supposed to make things work and maximize my ability to keep everything together, and the losing all those things - really rattled me. Especially because Debby and Dave were paying for this trip and I was very conscious of my status as lucky-to-be-included guest. I paid for the cooking class and half the rental car and a fancy dinner in Cagliari, and even THAT - the cooking class, not the dinner or rental car - turned out to be a minor disaster (although a great story and I did get a refund after I sent an email that included Debby's blog post to the agency I'd gone through to book the session).

I'm not going to issue any spoilers for the rest of Debby's story, but I will tell you something about me. I try very hard to not make the same mistake twice. Debby, Dave and I have been on two subsequent trips* and I am proud to report that I have returned home with everything I packed for both round-trip journeys. But that was a function, in large part, of understanding, adapting to and knowing to plan for Debby & Dave's travel style - and buying a new suitcase! I will also add that it's probably made me a better and more efficient traveler. Those two are pros!

*Unbelievably - and please note that I was as surprised to hear this as you are to read it - after we got home from that first trip, Debby reported that Dave had enjoyed traveling with me. Life is full of mysteries. It might have been that I provided some comic relief. Or that my seemingly unending parade of self-inflicted disasters was good for his self-esteem, because watching someone else be that messy about stuff that's just basic to you can provide a measure of - "Geez! Next to her, I look like the most competent person on Earth!" Whatever the reason, I love Debby and Dave to the ends of the earth and am the luckiest sister in the world to get to travel with them.

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Ohhhhhh. XOXO

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Jul 22Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

What fun to start my day with the Waldman sisters. Hi, Amy!

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I loved reading about your trip to your sister's place in Guatemala. I don't think it was quite as hair-raising as our trip...

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Jul 22Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

I would have had a stroke and died on the spot. I am a very organized and anal traveller. Just reading this gives me anxiety. I have travel nightmares weekly. I will have to forego the rest out of self-preservation.

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I will describe the scenario to you in person. When you know that it turned out okay, you may be able to stomach the written version. I seriously doubt you've heard a story like this one before.

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What Debby said. And clearly, we both lived to tell the tale. So there's that.

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Jul 22Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Looking forward to the next installment! What a great travel story!

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Jul 22Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

I love you guys, and your post/rebuttal in the comments. But Amy, yeah, I would have had an aneurysm if it was 15 minutes to boarding and you weren't there. I'm glad you guys have worked things out for continued travel, and I love that you both have a great sense of humor about it!

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You may have an aneurysm when you read next week's instalment...

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

She told me when to show up and then it changed. I'm only as good as my information! I was with my friend Amy Waldman, and the Toronto Film Festival was in town so we got to meet up with John Hadity!

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I forgot about that!!!

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Debby I love your sister like we where related as o do u you but I would have wanted to strangle her ! Love to all Waldmans Debby

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There were times when I wanted to strangle her. But we also all knew it was part of the adventure. And man, did we have some adventures. Like being robbed at our Airbnb and losing Amy in the train station in Florence. That latter one took a few years off my life... But oh, what a story.

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Read my comment, and then say that.

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Amy I can’t see your Comment but scence I know you I will assume it’s something like shove it RoseyNose ! I know you where just trying to Manage I Love you dear Waldman and accept your Presumed Shove it Roseynose ! I never traveled abroad so I guess my assumption fits 😎

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No no, her comment will reappear! It is a very nice comment.

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It's back up, Debby R. Debby W. asked me to take it down for a bit, so I did, and now it's back.

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The comments are almost as good as the story! I would have had such anxiety and would have totally lost it if this had happened to me with the suitcase and going through security, etc.

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