Jun 17Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

I have never gone to a psychic or medium, I think, because I am afraid of what they may tell me. I know someone who “sees dead people” and has given messages to people from them, unsolicited. I also know someone whose daughter, when she was a young child, spoke as a different person at times. Past lives therapy showed that she had been in the Holocaust. There is so much we don’t know or understand….

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My neighbor's daughter and I have talked about going together. I think I'd do that. I just wouldn't want to go alone. And I can't get past the idea that it's just woo-woo and I'm being silly and it's not a good use of my time or money. And yet—I am so, so curious.

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Jun 18Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Hi Debby and all - I am familiar with the death experience personally (losses of dear family where I was able to be present in hospice) and otherwise (as an interspiritual chaplain who identifies as Jewish, renewal tradition). Also a writer who helped a woman write a book about the sudden loss of her son years ago. As I helped her write, I struggled through some things she claimed of a frankly supernatural nature - but almost 20 years later, whatever she claimed clearly enabled her to survive “with one foot in this reality and the other where my son is.” I could share much of such matters. I’ll summarize my thoughts this way: as Thornton Wilder wrote, there’s a land of the living and a land of the dead; the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning.” The ways of love, true connection, are beyond all understanding, all judgement. It so happens that what people experience is real and I’d never argue the point - I’d have no basis to. I perceive the truth.

That said - there are those out there taking advantage of our vulnerability. What the deceased have to offer is beyond any price and available if we’re open to it.

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I love that Thornton Wilder quote. And I have to share something bizarre that happened to me today: I was interviewing a woman for an article I'm writing for a health care publication. I knew nothing about her except that she has a rare form of cancer. I was struck by how articulate she was. About halfway through the interview I asked her what she did for a living (relevant because she's in the US, where health care is tied to your job). I figured she was in communications, because she was so good at explaining what was going on with her, and she said, "Well, this is going to sound weird, but I'm a psychic." And I thought. "Good Lord. There is another realm, and my parents have sent this woman to me." I'm going to make an appointment with her. I'm going to have a session with a psychic. Stay tuned.

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Jun 18Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

The quote is from the Bridge on the River Kwai…maybe what you’re experiencing now, even this very day, is the synchronization of all you feel and have felt, how you relate, what you long for, and now, you are in the process of receiving.

Your life is in those places of resonance - as you encounter that sense of “astonished finding.” A Hopi healer once said that sense is a signifier of your recovery of the lost parts of your soul. Some pieces are sharp, but they are yours, and eventually the edges round off and everything fits.

Many have suffered deep cuts in life. Injuries change us and our transformations continue.

We are with you and I so appreciate your recounting of the journey for us. Best to you and yours.

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Oh, thank you, Linda. That gives me a lot to think about, and some heartwarming encouragement, too. Bless you.

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Jun 17Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

I have met one true psychic, and many charlatans. The real one was a Jewish lady here in Edmonton, who recently passed away at nearly 100. She only did readings for charity, and her guide was a little boy who died in the Holocaust, who started talking to her because he wanted someone to say Kaddish for him. I will tell you all about her when next we chat.

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Oh! Please do! That sounds fascinating.

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Jun 17Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

I would love to believe that there's something besides this life out there, but I haven't quite gotten there yet. Coincidentally, my massage person has had shamanic training, and she's told me that Calvin is in another place/plane, at peace and just observing everything going on. It's a comfort, even if I don't maybe believe it 100%.

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But you want to believe it. I want to believe it. I guess we won't know for sure till we're there. I totally agree with you. It's a comfort and I think we need that kind of comfort whether we admit it or not. XO to you, Pat.

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Jun 17Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Debby,I have gone to psychics,mediums,etc since I was in college.

There is a medium in Utica who is incredible.

He told my daughter that she was pregnant,he saw my Mom holding a pink blanket

Danielle is due to have a girl the day after my Mom's birthday.

He's a bit eccentric, but what would you expect from someone who has people talking non stop in their head ?

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Good point!!! Wow. A medium in Utica. I'm itching closer to this, Diane.... Maybe I'll go. (I think I want to and I'm terrified.)

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Sep 16Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

I’ve never visited a psychic. I’m a skeptic. However, someone sent me this video a couple days ago after I’d posted about being single after divorce. I think the sender was trying to tell me I need to heal past (or past-life) trauma in order to find new love. In any case, maybe you’ll enjoy this video interview with a prominent medium: https://youtu.be/vwYqXo1EJcM?si=k6iSR3VbRdiBw6Aq

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Thanks, Michelle!

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Hi Debby!

I really enjoyed your story.

Yes, I do know that we all have 6th sense/empathic piwers developed to a greater or lesser degree, depending on other factors. I have always been highly intuitive, and could easily pick-up other's thoughts and emotions. But it was 12 yrs. ago, after an intense series of illness and death, that I began to study astrology and tarot. And found that I have a gift for helping people through reading their cards ( I never charge). I can attest that I have gotten images and words come to me in the reading process that the querent affirms as a message for them. I've had other experiences too, but rarely from the deceased. Unfortunately, there are many fraudulent empaths too, so it is prudent to be skeptical. P.s. do you remember contributing to my anthology, Italian Cdns at Table?

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I DO remember contributing to your anthology!!! My copy of it is resting happily on the small section of my bookcase where I keep my books and anthologies. I was so happy that my essay about my friend Antoinette's spaghetti sauce found such a good home. I was actually waxing rhapsodic about her sauce to a guy I met a Christmas party last year, because he is also in love with it. Just thinking about it makes me happy. And now I want to hear more about your experience with astrology and tarot. I'll send you a note! Thanks, Loretta.

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