Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Oh Deb, I am weeping. This is a beautiful tribute to Chip! She was such a great dog!

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Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

What a loved and loveable dog she was, from puppyhood (those photos!) until the end. I always wondered how she got her name, and a fine name it was.

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Thanks, Rona. She often talked about that nice walk we had when you came to visit. (Or more accurately, I talked and she wagged her tail.)

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Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

She’s in a photo you took on that walk.

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Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Beautifully written and said about her. May her memory be a blessing,Debby.

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Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Now I know you had a good excuse for leaving town for game 7. So sorry for your loss, Debby, been there more than a few times. I just like to believe we will all be reunited across the Rainbow Bridge some day.

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Oh, thank you for that thought about the Rainbow Bridge. I love that image. And yep, that’s why we left town when we did. And why we went to the JPL (because the Tekarra has no TV).

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Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

No need to thank readers for "letting you share." We need thank you for writing this wonderful article. Your experience, so well described, will also resonate with people like me who are not especially interested in dogs. If we are lucky, we have intense relationships like yours, with animals or humans, and, heartbreakingly, we often have to deal with their departure.

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Thanks, Anita.

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Jul 3Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Dang… Pets live such a short time compared to us… Many pets, many goodbyes… And each one hurts… My heart is with you, Debby… Hugs

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Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Dear Debby our sincere sympathy for your loss and to your family. These pets become so much a part of a family. We just went rough this Ithaka my niece who moved the Victoria a year and a half ago with her 10 year old golden Lab. It was a crazy time as July went back to Ottawa to do something at the dance studio she had worked at and all her Pilates clients.

However our oldest granddaughter was looking after Bailey and suddenly Bailey got very ill and was vomiting at my home for Sunday night dinner so seeing the Vet the next day wanted Bailey taken to Vet hospital which see did. So let my niece know who cut her trip home early along with her .Mom ,my sister. Crazy time as my daughter and son with his kids all flew out to go to the Oilers game.

So I picked my niece and my sister up at the airport and took them directly to the Vet Hospital. Bailey was so ill he did not respond to my niece at all. I don’t think I have ever seen that many tubes coming out of humans. Within 3 or four hours Julie made the decision to let him go which I do not have to tell you what a difficult decision that was.

We all miss Bailey so much! It is particularly hard for Julie as Bailey was her soul mate! Sorry for the lengthy story but this just happened during the start of oilers final run so a very emotional time on so many levels in our household.

Susan Halpert

July 1 st Canada Day

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Oh, Susan. That sounds so traumatic for everyone! I’m so sorry your family had to go through that. I was supposed to go to Florida with Dave in January and I canceled the trip in part because of Belle but also because I didn’t want to leave Chip because the vet had said she was going to die. I was very reluctant to go away in the beginning of June—we’d had a trip to Spain planned for months, for Dave to teach and for me to take my sister and show her Barcelona. Dave said he would stay home, but he had to teach. We solved the problem by finding people to say at home with Chip pretty much 24-7 but she lost even more weight while we were gone. It was hard to wake up this morning and know she wasn’t downstairs, waiting to see us, but she was so weak she couldn’t even climb the stairs anymore. I know she is more comfortable now. I’m still sad.

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Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

My tears upon reading this powerful elegy join yours in mourning Chip.

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Thank you, Jay, for your empathy. That means a lot.

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Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Losing a pet is so hard--I still miss my daughter's "first dog," and he died several years ago. He was a Very Good Boy.

It sounds like you gave Chip a wonderful life, and I'm glad you found each other (and Belle).

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Thanks, Pat. I know you more than understand.

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Jul 1Liked by Debby Waldman-What To Believe

Aww, I will miss Chip. I remember the first time I took her for a walk on my own, all our walks through the River Valley, mornings when I was the first one awake and she'd be there, on her chair in the living room by the window and get up and I'd let her out and make coffee and then she'd utter a single "WOOF!" by the door when she was ready to come in and I'd get her a cup of food and fill her dish. She was the Best of the Good Girls, and there is no awful ache like the one you're feeling now. My friend Grace described a dog as "your heart on four legs," and it's true. xxxooo

PS I can't believe you didn't post the picture of us high-fiving on the River Valley trail.

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I’m going to post it now, in a note!

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Wait! I can post that picture here.

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Oh Debby! It is so hard to say goodbye to such a good friend. Reading your post reminded me of the difficult decisions we had to make about letting our dogs go. It was so hard. And I share the grief that comes with loving and losing.

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